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Grand Cross of Sovereign
Military Order of Swabia
(Cross of St. Gereon) |
During conference |
On October, 28-30, 2000 in Verona (Italy) has taken place the conference organized by the International Academy of Heraldry of Princely House Svevia. Italian and foreign experts in the field of heraldry, phaleristics and numismatists have taken part in conference. Managers of Odessa Museum of Numismatics Peter Loboda and Grigoriy Makandarov have been invited to conference. Museum's director P. Loboda has made the report. When conference has over Peter Loboda and Grigoriy Makandarov have been confer to Sovereign Military Order of Swabia, the Knights of St. Gereon for their big personal contribution to development of the international humanitarian and scientific relations. Conformation was made by Prince of Svevia House Antonio Francesco Calabria. |
Conformation to knights
of Saint Gereon's Order |
Logotype of Conference
On October, 21-23, 2005 in Odessa has taken place VIII International Conference "N.K. Rerih and his contemporaries. Collections and collectors". Scientific employees of many known museums from Ukraine, Russia, Moldova and other countries have taken part in this Conference. At Conference many outstanding scientists have made interesting reports: Nadezhda Polunina (State Historical Museum, Moscow), Jury Linnik (professor of Petrozavodsk Pedagogical Institute), Tatyana Shaparenko (Dnepropetrovsk Historical Museum), Ekaterina Zueva (Kiev Museum of Arts) and many other participants. Odessa Museum of Numismatics has presented its report.
On October, 23-25, 2009 in Odessa has taken place XII International Conference "N.K. Rerih and his contemporaries. Collections and collectors" devoted to the 135 anniversary of N.K.Roerich's birth. Odessa Numismatics Museum has presented its lecture.
Loboda P.G., Director of Museum.
"Unique and rare coins of Bosporan king Sauromates I: typological and artistic features".
Were presented 6 copper coins (sestertius) of Bosporan king Sauromates I (93 - 123 AD) from Museum's collection.
On July, 29-30 th, 2011 in Odessa there passed the International Scientific Conference. Odessa Numismatics Museum has presented its report «New Coins of Olbia». Authors V.P. Alekseev and P.G. Loboda.
Obol |
Sestertius |
"Military Theme on Coins of the Bosporan Kingdom".
Museum's report «Military Theme on Coins of the Bosporan Kingdom» on the scientific conference organized by the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine in October, 2011, in Sevastopol. Author - P.G.Loboda.
On October, 12-14, 2012 in Odessa has taken place XV International Conference "Theatrical and Decorative art of N.K. Rerih and his contemporaries. Collections and collectors".
Loboda P.G.
"New coins finds in the antique Nikonion".
Odessa. March, 11-13, 2013. International Conference
"The Tenth Readings of Memory of Professor P.O.Karyshkovsky".
V.P. Alekseev
"About Functional Mission of Trapezoid Products from Berezan and Olbia".
V.P. Alexeev, P.G. Loboda.
"New Variants of Rare Coins of Antique Cities of the Northern Black Sea Coast"
On November, 17-18, 2017 in Odessa has taken place XX International Conference "Creative Contribution to the World Culture of Roerich Family and Artists and Scientists".
Loboda P.G. "Obian Coins of Sarmatian Kings Farzoy and Inismey".
On November, 16-17, 2018 in Odessa has taken place XXI International Conference "Art and Life".
Loboda P.G. "Rare Coins of Bosporan King Cotys III".
On November, 15-16, 2019 in Odessa has taken place XXII International Conference "Great Art, Great Thought – Worship of Beauty".
Loboda P.G.
"Medallions of Roman Emperor Gordian III from New Finds".
On November, 19-20, 2021 in Odessa has taken place XXIV International Conference "Under the League of Culture: Art, Science, Spiritual Development"
Loboda P.G. "New Type of Archaic Money in the Antique Northern Black Sea Area".
XXV International Conference
Loboda P.G. "Images of the Ancient Greek Gods 0n Antique Coins of the Northern Black Sea Area".
Apollo on coin of Olbia. 170-160 BC.
Artemis on drachma of Panticapaeum. I BC
Asclepius and Hygia on tresis of Chersonesos. 161-180 AD.
XXVI International Conference
Loboda P.G. "The Sacred Currency of the Northern Black Sea Region".
God of the river Boristhenes (Dnieper). Olbia. AE. ІІІ BC.
God of the river Tiras (Dniester). Tyra. АЕ. IV BC.
Goddess Virgo - patroness of the polis Chersonesos. Dichalcus. AE. IV BC
Articles in the International Archaeological Journal "Stratum plus"
STRATUM plus. 1999. #6.
- V. P. Alekseev (Odessa, Ukraine). About Olbia's Monetary Art in the Classical and Early Hellenistic Time. pp. 74-83.
STRATUM plus. 2003-2004. #6.
- V.P.Alekseev (Odessa, Ukraine). Rare and Unique Coins of the Ancient Towns in the North Black Sea Region. pp. 364-373.
- V.P.Alekseev (Odessa, Ukraine). New finds of Lisimachu's Staters in the Northwest Black Sea Region. pp. 439-443.
STRATUM plus. 2005-2009. #6.
- V.P.Alekseev, P.G.Loboda (Odessa, Ukraine). New Evidence for Olbia Numismatics.
pp. 271-286.
- V.P.Alekseev (Odessa, Ukraine). Stater with Lisimachu's Name and Letters TY Found in Belgorod-Dnestrovsky. pp. 287-289.
STRATUM plus. 2010. #6.
- V.P.Alekseev (Odessa, Ukraine). New Versions of Moulded Coins of the Lower Bug in VI-V centuries B.C. pp. 123-132.
- V.P.Alekseev, P.G.Loboda (Odessa, Ukraine). Numismatic Rarities of Antique Tyra in New Findings. pp. 133-140.
STRATUM plus. 2011. #6.
- V.P.Alekseev, P.G.Loboda (Odessa, Ukraine). Unpublished and Rare Coins of Olbia. pp. 29-40.
STRATUM plus. 2012. #6.
- V.P.Alekseev (Odessa, Ukraine). About Semantics of Images on Tyra coins with an inscription "ІЄРАС CYNKΛHTOY". pp. 113-118.
STRATUM plus. 2013. #6.
- V.P.Alekseev, P.G.Loboda (Odessa, Ukraine). Religious Motives of Some Olbia and Kyzikos as Means of Sociopolitical Leaflets. pp. 109-125.
"Global Journal of Human Social Sciences" (D). 2014. Vol. 14. Issue 4.
- V.P.Alekseev, P.G.Loboda (Odessa, Ukraine). Unpublished Aeses of Olbia With Types "Athena – Wheel". pp. 49-59.
"Numismatic Notes. Issue I. Coins and Money Circulation in Ancient Times and Middle Ages". Editorial Group "Kuberle". 2015.
- V.P.Alekseev, P.G.Loboda (Odessa, Ukraine). "Some Rare Coins of the Ancient Cities of the Northern Black Sea Area".
- V.P.Alekseev, P.G.Loboda (Odessa, Ukraine). "Rare Variations of Olbian Coins".
Ancients Cult Centers and Ritual Practices.
Collected articles. 2015
Vladimir Alexeev. Figured funerary vase with Dionysian symbols
Peter Loboda. Mutual-relief "dolphin" from Olbia
"Стародавнє Причорномор'я". Выпуск XI. 2016.
В.П. Алексеев, П.Г. Лобода (Одесса, Украина). Монеты Тиры, Никония и Ольвии в новых находках. сс. 5-13.
Numismatics of the Old World.
Collected Articles. 2016
Vladimir Alexeev, Peter Loboda
Numismatic Rarities of Ancient Cities of the Northern Black Sea Area – pp. 5 - 12
Olbian Dupondius with Tamga of King Farzoy – pp. 32 – 35
Three Rare Coins of Olbia – стр. 36 – 41
Two Medallions of Emperor Gordian III from private collections – pp. 42 – 44
Ancient Black Sea Region.
Release XII. 2018.
Vladimir Alexeev, Peter Loboda.
are and Unpublished Variants of the Coins of the Northern Black Sea Region
pp. 44-49.
Materials of the 16th International Scientific and Practical Conference of the Odessa House-Museum named after N.K. Roerich. 2017.
V.P. Alekseev, P.G. Loboda (Odessa, Ukraine). Dupondius of Olbia with Tamga of King Farzoy.
рр. 58-60
Materials of the 21th International Scientific and Practical Conference of the Odessa House-Museum named after N.K. Roerich. 2018.
P.G. Loboda (Odessa, Ukraine). Rare Coins of Bosporus King Cotys III.
рр. 71-74
Materials of the 22nd International Scientific and Practical Conference of the Odessa House-Museum named after N.K. Roerich. 2019.
P.G. Loboda (Odessa, Ukraine). Medallions of the Roman Emperor Gordian III.
рр. 74-76
Materials of the XXV International Scientific and Practical Conference of the Odessa House-Museum named after N.K. Roerich. 2022.
P.G. Loboda (Odessa, Ukraine). Images of Ancient Greek Gods on Ancient Coins of the Northern Black Sea Area.
рр. 58-64
© The Odessa Museum of Numismatic 2024. |