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Issue #7 . June 2001.
"Some rare Bosporan coins of the Hellenic period and Imperial period"
The authors: Alekseev V.P. , Loboda P.G.

There are published 13 rare Bosporan coins of times of government from Leukon II up to Rheskuporis V.
Coin #1. Obol of Leukon II. Unique variant. The other way order of words in legend on reverse.
Coin #9. Sestertius of Sauromates I. Unique variant. Two coinages on obverse and a mistake on reverse - îí instead of íî.
Coin #10. Sestertius of Rhoemetalkes. Unique variant. The coin has semi-spherical form like Byzantian scyphates not peculiar to antique coins.
Coin #13. Denarius of Rheskuporis V. Unique variant. Goddess enthroned right instead of left as it's usual.

Issue #8. September 2001.
"Silver coins of Pantikapeum (end VI - I BC )".
The authors: Alekseev V.P., Loboda P.G.

There are submitted 23 silver coins which where mint in Pantikapeum in the period from the end VI up to I BC including time of government Mithradates VI . Some of submitted silver coins are rare speciments.
Coin #10. Hemidrahma. 375 - 360 BC.
Coin #12. Diobol. 340 - 330 BC.
Coin #14. Hemidrahma. 315 - 300 BC.
Coin #23. Drahma. 100 - 75 BC. Overcoinage of Cappadocia Kingdom's drahma.

Issue #9. December 2001.
"Coins of Bosporan cities Pantikapeum , Theodosia and Gorgippia".
The authors: Alekseev V.P., Loboda P.G.

There are published 15 rare silver and copper coins of Bosporan cities.
Coin #4. Apollo's temple in Pantikapeum.
ôÅtartemorion. V BC. Silver.
Coin #9. Pantikapeum. Dichalk. I BC. Copper.
Coin #14. Theodosia. ôÅtrÁchalk. III BC. Copper .
Coin #15. Gorgippia. ïbol. I BC. Copper.

Issue #10. March 2002.
"Some unique unpublished coins of the Black Sea Area".
The authors: Loboda P.G., Arsyuhin E.V.

There are published some rare and unique coins of the Black Sea Area representing the certain interest for a science.
Coin #1. A coin with an inscription ðáNôI. IIBC. Copper.
Coin #2. A coin with an inscription . New type of coins of Dioscuriada. II - I BC. Copper.
Coin #3. A silver coin of the Tmutarakan Princedom. Srebrenik of Mstislav I (?). End è - beginning èI AD.
Coin #15. Copper coin of the emperor Andronik II. XIV AD. The coin was found in Crimea.

Issue #11. June 2002.
" Coins of Bosporan cities Nimfey , Phanagoria and Sindi' coin ".
The authors: Alekseev V.P., Loboda P.G.

There are published 15 silver and copper coins concerning to urban mint of the specified Bosporan centres.
Coin #1. Nimfey. Diobol. V BC. Silver.
Coin #7. Phanagoria. Tetrobol. II BC. Silver.
Coin #8. Phanagoria. Tetrachalk. II - I BC. Copper. Coinage on obverse transforms this coin into unique variant.
Coin #15. Sindi' coin. Trihemiobol (?). V BC. Silver. The unique weight (0,81 Ç) allows this coin to name obol .

Issue #12. September 2002.
"The rare and unpublished coins of Kerkinitida and Chersonessos".
The authors: Alekseev V.P., Loboda P.G.

Among 24 published silver and copper coins of cities of Western Tauvria there are some rare and unique speciments.
Coin #2. Kerkinitida. Arrow Coin. V BC. Copper. Unique variant with the rests of the not chopped of casting.
Coin #5. Kerkinitida. Dichalk. IV BC. Copper.
Unique variant. New magistrate name åòí on the given nominal.
Coin #16. Chersonessos. Tetrachalk. I BC. Copper. Unique variant. Two coinages - on obverse and reverse.
Coin #21. Chersonessos. ôetrassarion. I AD. Copper. Unique variant.

© The Odessa Museum of Numismatic 2000.